Axis LMS Website Designer Widgets

The Website Designer allows administrators to create a custom experience for their users through a variety of different means: branding, page groups, and a customizable menu. But what really has the most visual impact on your Axis LMS Websites are the widgets you choose to add.

Widgets are self contained mini applications, which perform a function on the pages they’re placed. 

When adding widgets to your Public Website or your Learning Portal, the administrator interface is intentionally light; allowing you to more easily identify and work with each widget’s settings. But when you preview the page you’re working on, you’ll be able to see your placement and settings in action.


All Training

This category consists of the Available Training widget, which displays training available for the user to enroll, sign up or purchase, and the User Enrolled Training widget, which displays training the user is already enrolled in.



This category consists of the Article widget which displays a specific article, the Article Listing widget which lists articles as a list, and the Article Search widget, which lets users search across the available articles.



This category consists of the calendar widget, which displays user training dates and other information, and can be subscribed to and integrated with other calendars via a subscription link.



This category consists of the Checklist widget which displays a specific checklist that will appear on the user’s Learning Portal for them to fill out or view depending on the Checklist’s settings.



This category consists of the Order History widget which lists all orders the user placed.


Instructor Led Training

This category consists of the ILT Upcoming Training widget which lists the users upcoming training classes.



This category consists of the Resource Library widget, which allows you to display lists of resources to your users. You can build libraries in the File Manager in the [ OTHER ]/libraries/ folder (each folder beneath that one is a library you can use).  You place files in the folders to use, naming them the way you want them to appear in the list (for example, a video file named “important_things_about_safety.mp4” would be listed as “Important Things About Safety”). To assign a specific icon to the item in the list (as opposed to using the default icon), you can add a .png file of the same name (so, ‘safety101.png’ would be used as the icon for a video named ‘safety101.mp4’). If you want a description to appear, you can also add a text file of the same name, with the description inside the file. For example, the contents of ‘safety101.txt’ would be used as the description for a video named ‘safety101.mp4’.



This category consists of the Page Navigation Tab Strip widget, which displays a tab strip along the top of the page. The page group setting is where you set up what items appear on the tab strip. The Auto option (which is the default) will show pages in the page group of the current page. For example, if the page resides in Page Group 10, then all pages in Page Group 10 will be shown (if you move your pages around into different page groups, this option is a good one since the navigation widget is ‘smart’). The All Pages option means all pages the user has access to will be shown - across all page groups. The remaining options allow you to specify the exact page group of pages that should be displayed. 



This category of widgets contains various widgets that do not fit into their own category.

Embedded Web Page — use this option to embed a webpage from another website into the page.

Page CSS — use this to add CSS to the page. The actual widget will not appear to the user.

Page Javascript — use this to add Javascript code to the page. The actual widget will not appear to the user.

Redeem Keycode — use this to enable users to redeem keycodes (from the keycode function) issued to them by their managers or instructors.

Text/HTML — use this to add textual content (including images) to the page.


Reports and Scores 

This category contains the following widgets.

Archived Reports — displays a listing of all archived reports for the user (which includes course resets, and imported data from other sources).

Certificate Repository — provides access to the user to all of their training certificates.

Completed Training Summary— provides information to the user for all of their completed training.

My Certifications — displays a listing of all certifications for the user has achieved, and the ones they are working towards.

My CEUs — displays all Continuing Education Units the user has earned.

Report Card — displays scores and progress for all courses the user is enrolled in.



This category contains the Top Left Sidebar and Top Right Sidebar widgets, each displays on the left or right of the page and shows the user all pages they have access to.



This category contains the User Badges widget which shows the user the badges they’ve been awarded, and also the badges that can be awarded that they have not yet received.



This category contains the following widgets:

Uploaded Video — add a video you have uploaded into your LMS system.

Youtube Video — add a YouTube video.

Other Video— add a video hosted on any other website (often they will provide you with an embed code for the video, which gets pasted here).