Axis LMS Website Designer
As a Partition Administrator, one of the most Powerful tools you have control of is the Public Website. This publicly accessible site will function differently from company to company; some choose to have it redirect straight to their Learning Portal. But for others, the extensive customizability of the Public Website allows their company to use it as their Company website.
If you’re considering using your Public Website to any degree, you’ll want to first make sure it is accessible, then become familiar on these different topics:
- Widgets
- Banners & Background
- Tips for Mobile Design
- SEO & Metadata
Both Axis LMS Websites are created using a grid system, which allows Administrators who may not be website designers to still produce high quality, professional websites.
If you’re setting up the Public website as your company’s main website, you may want to use a combination of Text Block, Articles, Calendars, and Navigation Bars.
Text Blocks allow you to add text, images, and videos to your page; and are best for text that is not likely to be updated frequently.
The Articles widgets are best when used together, and are best used when you release new articles regularly; as it provides the visitor with the ability to choose what article they want to read.
Calendars are a great way to relay the different events going on in your company; or if you’re already using Google Calendars, you can integrate it right into your site - read more here.
Navigation bars are customizable through CSS, and give your users a way to move from one of your website pages to another.
Banner and Background
Every page in Axis LMS uses a banner at the top by default. To swap out this banner for your Public website, select the Gear icon from the top right of the Public Website Page Manager. From this page, you can choose from your desktop of File Library to select a new Banner.
#page_banner {
display: none !important;
.page_bg_custom {
background: url("file_location.jpg"); //add a background imagebackground-repeat: repeat !important; //repeat the background on both X and Y axis
background-color: #ffffff !important; //add a solid white page background
While your target audience may not be Mobile Users, the best thing you can do is assume that it is going to be accessed from a phone or tablet eventually. With Axis LMS, your entire user interface will automatically adapt to your user's device. This means that, with no extra work from you, your Axis System is ready for your users, no matter how they're accessing it.
SEO & Metadata
If you’re not already familiar with the SEO Acronym, it stands for Search Engine Optimization, and helps your website appear higher in the search results in search engines, such as Google and Bing.
While this article won’t go into the different ways you can improve your company’s SEO results, it will go over some of the different tools inside Axis LMS, that are commonly used to do so.
Metadata, in general terms, is used mostly by search engines and can be helpful towards bringing more traffic to your site. To add metadata to one of your Public Website pages, Edit the page, then select the Gear icon. You should now see an "Edit Metadata" icon. Selecting this icon will prompt you with 3 fields:
Page Title: This will default to the page caption if you do not specify otherwise
Page Description: This will be used in search engines when listing your site.
Page Keywords: These comma separated words will be picked up by search engines